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Photo credit Dan McGrath
On July 5, 2022, over 100 girls had the day off school to attend the fourth Girls in Infrastructure event to learn more about Northland’s infrastructure industry.
Held at Semenoff Stadium in Whangarei, high school girls from Kaitaia to Dargaville attended. Geared up with hi-vis vests, they visited sites and participated in activities with different infrastructure companies and education providers.
And Hirepool got amongst it!
Along with our industry mates, we were there to help connect the dots for the girls on how to get from high school into great careers.
Our aim for the day was to have girls leave at the end of the day knowing what Hirepool is, what we do and how fun operating equipment such as diggers and scissor lifts can be.Paige McDonald standing at Hirepool's stand. Photo credit Dan McGrath
Northern Territory specialist Paige McDonald said that she hopes the girls came away with the knowledge that there are great career pathways that don’t involve studying full-time for multiple years. “I left the day feeling quite inspired and I’m sure the girls felt the same way too!”Photo credit Dan McGrath
According to Connexis, an estimated 44,000 additional workers are needed over the next five years to complete roading, water pipe, power line and fibre projects across New Zealand.
Felicity Stormont from Hirepool’s HR team said it was great to be able to engage with so many young female students about the career pathways available at Hirepool and the wider Infrastructure industry.
Tucking into some savouries and tomato sauce at lunch allowed the Hirepool team to connect with infrastructure businesses and training providers in Northland.
Photo credit Dan McGrath
The Hirepool team felt there was a lot of constructive dialogue at the event around what the trades can offer in terms of long-term skills. Hirepool set up shop inside with a booth ready for any questions and outside with a scissor lift and a mini digger, ready for future operators.
We were thrilled to be there to show our support for the future of our industry.
Photo credit Dan McGrath